Dug up the 2003 rulebook. That's as far back as I could find. Battle of the Twins was split between SV Cup (National rules apply) and Open Twins, Formula Rules Apply. National SV Cup rules were Canadian VIN only, Pirelli tires, 75HP limit and only open to amateurs. As soon as you graduated to expert, it was open twins.
Definitely a hot potato! If there's going to be a SV supersport class why not run it with MW Twins and score separately? Is there a minimum number of bikes to run a class and be scored? If so, would this apply to individual races?
That is one option, or run it in another class and preserve the ability to race a superstock SV in MW twins as well.
I run a SuperSport Legal SV 650 and I think the current (formula) rules are fine. Actual supersport rules are difficult to police anyway. If I get smoked on the straight, now all I can think about is oversize pistons and other not-outwardly-visible chicanery. It's not going to build any club goodwill if we keep protesting each other and having to tear motors apart to check bores. Even horsepower limits are a little tricky right now. I never saw the "official WMRC dyno" at the track last year, so how would that work? If you get protested you make an appointment to go do a dyno pull a few weeks later with a club official present? We're good as is in my opinion.
No, they are welcome to race with MW Twins (if they want), but there will be a seperate race run for the Middleweight Thunder class. It will be tagged on to another similarly paced class (i.e. MotoTT) and scored seperately. Nobody is losing any tracktime with the addition of the new class, but some people will have an additional class to enter. If there aren't the minimum amount of entries on a given race day, the new class won't run. No muss, no fuss! :thumbup:
What's the minimum amount of entries? This rule seems to be loosely applied given poor turnout days and low entries for some classes. Does this mean the racers who show up will be penalized if less than the minimum entries for various classes?
Can I ask again why the change? There was a poll up and most if not all the riders that race that class answered. I do believe the vote was to keep it the same. Why now is there going to be another class where its the same riders in it anyway. I think most guys that run SV's run Moto TT anyway.
5 entries is the minimum amount to run a class. If the minimum number don't register, there are still a few classes the bikes that are legal for this class can enter. Nobody's losing out.
There is no change. The Middleweight Twins class is still safe and sound. There will definitely be a few riders from MWT racing in this new class. MotoTT was just a random example, could be Sportsman etc.
Dean is correct. Middleweight twins is unchanged, the new class is middleweight twins with a HP limit. Seems like it should just run at the same time, sign up for the class you want to score points in and see where it takes us at the end of the season? At the end of the day racing against one or two bikes is lame, I am speaking from experience on this point.
And that's exactly what we did. Pretty simple folks... Nothing is changed, except that now there is another class which will NOT run at the same time as middleweight twins, that the majority of sv's can enter. It will mostly likely be run at the back of Formula 1:15.
Where are we at on the rulebook Alex? For a guy who has been pretty vocal over the years you've been as quiet as a church mouse over the past few months...
Pending Exec. review, it's done. That's where we are at. Me, quiet as a church mouse? That'll be the day. But then again you weren't at the GM's where we discussed things...