NOVEMBER 2020 Meeting Minutes

Discussion in 'WMRC Meeting Minutes' started by bigga_boy, Nov 16, 2020.

  1. bigga_boy

    bigga_boy Livin' The Dream WMRC Exec

    Oct 12, 2008
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    WMRC General Meeting Minutes, November 2020

    Attending: 61 (via Zoom meeting)
    Nick Dudziak – President Rob S—Vice President
    Sean Durell - Promotions
    Brett Hanson - Treasurer

    The Meeting was called to order at 7:03PM by Nick Dudziak.

    Minutes from the October General Meeting were read by Allan Hay.

    Motion to accept the previous minutes were made by Joseph T and seconded by Keir L

    Treasurers Report:

    Brett Hanson reported our current bank balance is $17,688..97 and 150,815.26 transferred to Edward Jones to be put in a high interest saving account until needed. (as noted in the previous minutes)

    Breakdown would be:

    Operating fund $97,691.23

    Contingency fund $70,813.41

    Promotions Report:

    Sean reports …nothing. But thanked all the supporters and people he talked with.

    Sean will make available to the new exec and promotions the contacts and information that was discussed during the 2020 season.

    New Business:

    Allan H. mentioned to Brett H about an outstanding matter from the 2019 AGM. The outstanding matter was a missing deposit to the contingency fund for $20.000 that was passed at the previous AGM. Brett said that the transfer was made the previous week.

    Jay S wanted to make a motion to have the funds protected in the contingency fund. Allan H mentioned at the end of Jay S concerns, that on the conception of the fund there was a previous motion and passed unanimously to have the funds protected and can only be accessed under certain circumstances. A “special” meeting has to be called, (not to be addressed during a general or AGM meeting.) The matter would be discussed to access the money in the contingency fund and has to be voted upon and passed with a 65% vote of the membership.

    Graham D had a question for promotions. He asked what was done during the year to promote the WMRC. Sean said he contacted previous sponsors and supports and was in conversations with them when COVID-19 hit and that is where the conversations stopped due to the pandemic and restrictions that were in place by a health order.

    Marion S started a conversation about the radio headsets and the rather disappointing condition they are in. That sparked a long conversation started by Marbod about radios, headsets, condition of radios and headsets, possible new supplier or even purchasing radios or at least a handful of new headsets for our dedicated marshals. Nick D motioned for a vote, seconded by Dave H to start a committee to look into the radio matter.
    Brett H did mention that he did tender quotes for the radio contract at the end of 2019 in preparation for the 2020 season and they were all close to the same cost. Brett said the other tenders had concerns of supplying the quantity of headsets we needed, and also the radios would be picked up prior to the event and would be dropped off after the event. Right now we have the radios for the entire season.

    Motion to adjourn was made at 7:41 by Nick D and seconded by Joseph T.

    Next general meeting is scheduled for Monday December 14th at 7pm via zoom.

    Minutes submitted by Allan Hay.

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