Formula Classic Racers - Group tyre purchase

Discussion in 'Racing at Mission' started by bsa_414, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. bsa_414

    bsa_414 WMRC Formula Classic Rep

    May 26, 2007
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    I am in the process of trying to set up a group purchase of Avon Race tyres for riders that have older bikes. If you are running skinny 18" rims front/rear, or 19"/18" front/rear you know how limited your non-DOT race compound tyre choices are.

    These tyres are not cheap (hopefully better priced with a volume discount), but they double quite well as rains, and will frequently last one or more seasons. In the grand scheme of things, a good set of tyres for a classic race bike is the one must have improvement.

    If you would be interested in this, please PM me with F/R sizes. To get an idea of what is available check out:

    The more people we get on board the better the pricing!

    I have been running various combinations over the years, and can help you with selection.


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