WMRC RULE CHANGES Here is your chance to voice your suggestions as to what rules needs to be changed for next year's WMRC Rules Book. Our intention is to make these changes early so people have time to prepare for 2017.
Bump I think the allocation of points to those that DNF (Did Not Finish) are convoluted and, at best, confusing. Why not simplify DNF to this: If you complete at least 50% of the laps completed by the class leader, you get points. If you are the only class entry in that race, you must complete 50% of the laps completed by the race leader. What we have now is a nightmare to calculate and the precise formula is not laid out clearly in the rules as they exist.
Well, it might not be that easy and could be an opening for a protest. If we get a little more specific about the class run and the leader in that class, it would eliminate the ambiguity. For example, in a 2 class race, a faster class leader might lap the entire field of the slower class. Then it opens the question of who completed the most laps. SCCBC uses my suggestion and I've never seen it be questioned. It's relatively simple for Timing and Scoring to administer with minimum fuss.