2020 Rulebook Proposals

Discussion in 'Rule Book Proposals' started by bigga_boy, Sep 23, 2019.

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  1. bigga_boy

    bigga_boy Livin' The Dream

    Oct 12, 2008
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    2020 Rulebook Proposals

    With a great season in the books, we have to start looking at the 2020 season and that includes the rulebook.

    Please submit your proposals here.
    rules are....
    1) Quote the section(s) and sub section to be edited
    2) If it is a "new" proposal, please include the section it would be submitted to
    3) The "wording" should be as accurate as possible
    4) You MUST me a WMRC member that holds a current membership

    Thank you for your input!

    Deadline for submissions will be November 11th 2019
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2019
  2. jcathie

    jcathie Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    The rule book has two paragraph A sections within Section 3.3; one in the middle of page 5 to specify requirements to graduate out of Novice. The second is at the top of page 6 and specifies numbers to be used by Graduated Novices until such time as they graduate to Expert.

    I propose the second instance (at the top of page 6) be amended as follows:

    New sentence:

    Graduated Novices which are approved to graduate to Expert status during the racing season shall retain their assigned competition numbers through to the end of the current season.


    Changing competition numbers mid-season creates an extraordinary amount of work on the part of the Timing and Scoring Team. It is not a simple matter to re-assign championship points that are awarded before the number change and ensure they are assigned to the new competition number correctly. Inadvertent errors in this process can have a significant impact on Championships and starting grid assignments.


    Maybe the second instance of paragraphs needs to be numbered 3.4, then all subsequent sections be re-numbered accordingly?
  3. Andrew Marles

    Andrew Marles Member

    Nov 8, 2010
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    Propose we move Lightweight Superbike out of Lightweight endurance. These bikes are doing similar laptimes to many of the middleweight bikes and the smaller lightweights are not competitive.

    New wording in Chapter 17:

    A. Heavyweight Endurance
    Open Supersport
    600 Supersport

    B. Middleweight Endurance
    Middleweight Superbike
    Middleweight Twins
    Formula Classic
    Middleweight Thunder
    Lightweight Superbike

    C. Lightweight Endurance
    Lightweight Supersport
    250 Production
    Mini GP
  4. M.Shelby

    M.Shelby Member

    Oct 9, 2019
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    Ch.7 Middleweight Superbike
    7.5 I want to propose the 600cc machines 15yrs or older be bumped up to 636cc.
    New wording
    Up to 636cc 15 years or older. ( Engine modifications limited to Supersport spec only - see Chapter 8).
  5. Wblairlayton

    Wblairlayton Faster and Faster

    Jan 23, 2006
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    I propose a Class to be known as GP300:
    Backbone of this Class is the TDR 300 Race bike - Out of the Crate and Readily Available Race Bike.
    Class has 3 basic Rules. Cannot Exceed 40HP and Cannot Exceed 300cc and must be a Sport Bike Chasis, Not Dirt Bike with bodywork.
    SuperBike Rules and allows Unlimited Changes to Brakes, Suspension, Exhaust, Engine Updating and Tuning
    TDR 300 Runs at the Very Same Consistent Pace as well tuned Ninja 250R - Ninja 300R bikes.
  6. bigga_boy

    bigga_boy Livin' The Dream

    Oct 12, 2008
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    a few amendments

    section 7.2
    remove....If a racer is disqualified twice in one season they will not be allowed to re-enter the class for the remainder of the season
    reason...only need to disqualify once

    section 7.13
    remove....If a racer is disqualified twice in one season they will not be allowed to re-enter the class for the remainder of the season
    reason...only need to disqualify once

    REMOVE....formula classic from registration, not the rulebook
    reason...we no longer have bikes in that class that compete or have 4 bikes to qualify for points

    chapter 14 points
    points are only given to racers that finish.
    DNF receive NO POINTS (to receive points the racer and machine must cross the finish line at the end of the race)

    section 15 registration
    add 15.32
    each racer is entitled to ONE practice group (PG1, PG2 or 250/300)
    no racer shall participate in more that one group even if the racer has more than one bike that qualifies for multiple groups
    reason....upon registration the racer only pays for and qualifies for ONE practice group and if unfair to fellow racers.
  7. Reed Boehner

    Reed Boehner New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Re : Section 15 change: if a rider has registered for additional classes for a different bike, ie 118, 115, 600ss, they are paying for the additional class.
  8. bigga_boy

    bigga_boy Livin' The Dream

    Oct 12, 2008
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    nope...you choose the bike (group) you want to practice on.
    Actually you pay for the class NOT the practice. reg fee is $90 for one practice group (2 sessions)..pay additional and then sure...second bike, second practice. the PCMRC is the same way...multiple bikes, only ONE practice group and use one bike in each session. it is unfair to other riders that "rider x" gets 4 practice sessions.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2019
  9. Reed Boehner

    Reed Boehner New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Not sure why you would compare to a go cart track, but the big tracks at WMRRA and OMMRA allow you to practise on the bikes you are racing in the appropriate practise group. No extra cost. As you say, we are paying for the appropriate classes not paying for practise. Reg fee is a reg fee, not a practise fee.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2019
    SumBee likes this.
  10. jcathie

    jcathie Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Points should be given to racers that are CLASSIFIED in the results.

    A DNF is defined as not completing half the laps of the leader in their class or if they are the only competitor in their class, the leader of the race.

    In a 10 lap race, if you complete 5 laps under the above criteria, you are classified and (potentially) earn points. If you complete 4 laps of a 10 lap race, you are classified as DNF and points would not be awarded.

    I think no finish-no points is a little harsh for club level racing. What do EMRA, WMRRA and OMRRA do?
    SumBee likes this.
  11. bigga_boy

    bigga_boy Livin' The Dream

    Oct 12, 2008
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    FYI....as i have done for the last 3-4 years, i listen to people during the season and their concerns for rule changes and make a note.
    At this time of year i just put them into the forum to be reviewed by the rules committee. If they are changed or not, not up to me, just here for review. if you want to offer advise or re-wording..give'er, they will decide what is best for the club.

    If you do not agree, offer suggestions and do YOUR own research on the topic.
    Google is a few key strokes away to find the answers you need.
  12. bigga_boy

    bigga_boy Livin' The Dream

    Oct 12, 2008
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    John, Google is a few key strokes away if you really want the answer, it is in their rulebook.
    It really does not matter to me, just bringing up what ppl say to me over the year, in the end it is up to the rules committee.
    IMO...if you crash lap 1-2-3-4-5 and do not finish the race, should you really get points? i think no... just my 2c
  13. jcathie

    jcathie Member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    It was late last night and I didn't want to stay up any later researching. So here we go:

    OMRRA 2019 sez:
    All finishers receive 4 points minimum. Competitors scoring a Did Not Finish (DNF) receive 2 points. Did Not Start (DNS) and Disqualified (DQ) receive no points (see L-12).
    (L-12) “Did-not-start” (DNS) is a rider who did not cross the start line when the green flag dropped. “Did-not-finish” (DNF) is a rider who started but did not complete more than 50% of race distance or did not receive the checkered flag.

    WMRRA 2019 sez:

    5. ... blah, blah, blah ...

    a. Any rider who does not receive the checkered flag but started the heat race will receive one point and will be scored as a DNF. A race start for a heat race is defined as crossing the start/finish line after the start signal is given.

    EMRA 2019 sez:

    • All riders must complete the checkered flag lap and at least 50% of the leaders laps to be scored as finishers in the event.

    FIM MotoGP 2019 sez:

    1.24.2 To be counted as a finisher in the race and be included in the results a rider must: a) Complete 75% of the race distance.
  14. Schoey

    Schoey New Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Proposal from Rob Tyson:

    Add a couple of WMRRA's allowed Supersport modifications to our own, so that lightweight racers on 250s/300s have cheaper options to compete with Ninja 400s, other than everybody moving to Ninja 400s. This also aligns more of our rules with theirs. In some cases, these aren't performance mods, but it may make sense to make them explicitly allowed.

    Specific lines being proposed:
    D-5a: "Aftermarket cam chain tensioners will be permitted to replace
    stock tensioners."
    D-5t: "Camshaft timing: Degreeing of the cams by means of slotting
    cam sprockets or using aftermarket cam sprockets or adapters
    is allowed."
    D-5y: "You may use readily available wheel spacers (captive style is
    allowed) and replace the front wheel speedometer drive with a
    D-5z: "Crankcase breather can be modified orrerouted."
    D-6e: "Head milling: Milling of the head gasket surface only will be
    allowed for the purpose of increasing compression and balancing
    combustion chamber volume."

    - Our Supersport rules contain costs by limiting allowed changes and modifications.
    - In 2018, Ninja 400s were added to LWSS.
    - The end effect of the above is that 250s/300s have no way of approaching the 45HP cap, whereas that's the advertised power of a stock Ninja 400. Instead of containing cost, this means the only way to compete with a Ninja 400 is to buy one. The mods proposed are cheaper than this.
    - We have an interest in aligning our rules with WMRRA
  15. Schoey

    Schoey New Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Proposal from Dylan Boehner:

    1. Lightweight Superbike rules changed from formula rules to superbike rules and horsepower limit reduced to 55HP- chapter 7

    2. Rulebook committee hosts an open meeting for rulebook changes and has it recorded

    3. Ninja 400 CAN use an aftermarket exhaust in Lightweight supersport as long as it keeps to 45HP limit- 7.4

    4. Dyno supervisor is to let each bike cool down before putting it on the dyno

    5. Add Italian Cup Class, allowing any Italian bike to participate (must have at least 5-6 riders)
  16. Schoey

    Schoey New Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Proposal from Arnaud Paul Gouttin

    2020 Rule change proposal
    I’d like to see the championship Number 1 through 5 plate holder reserved changed to 1-2-3. No one has ever run Number 4 or 5, it doesn’t seem like someone would give up their personal number because they got fifth in a championship.
    Dave.Hillsden likes this.
  17. Schoey

    Schoey New Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    Proposal from Nick Dudziak:

    Remove Graduated Novice from our class structure as it is a complicated system.
    Novices will be expected to complete minimum 1 full year as novice. Under exceptional circumstances when a novice has proved to be considerable faster than the rest, and has proven to be track officials and competition committee that they are racing safe, they may be temporarily bumped to expert level classes.
  18. seandcontracting

    seandcontracting Smile!

    Aug 11, 2013
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    Proposal submitted by Sean Durrell.

    Rule 7.5 MWSBK reads: Up to 600cc 15 years old or older.

    I would like to see 2004 as the last year of 600cc four cylinders. The more modern 600 can eventually get into the class because of the 15 year rule, and may affect the class down the years.

    Another rule in MWSBK that should be removed is "Open multi cylinder four strokes 20 years and older" As you would have R1 and SRAD GSXR750 in that class, which I think are a couple bikes that should not be in.


    Last edited: Nov 17, 2019
  19. Reed Boehner

    Reed Boehner New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Not sure excluding bikes is good for the grid. Many riders including Spero, Nick, Adam, Nikola have shown that smaller bikes are very competive with bigger bikes.
  20. Reed Boehner

    Reed Boehner New Member

    Jan 25, 2018
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    Please be aware WMRRA rules for 250 are very limited and if we want to compete there, we should follow their rulebook.
    There are no Ninja 400 on the LWSS grid at the moment, so not necessary. LWSBK allows for all the mods possible.
    If you allow changes to the 300, then you need to include changes for the 390, and R3 as well.

    Having owned a ninja 250,300,400, R3, KTM390 they can not be made to be competitive with a 400 at any reasonable budget. Once you have a n400, you will want to race it with the SV650’s.
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